
Melanie Kozol teaches painting and watercolors at the Gilda and Henry Block School of the Arts, 92NY. At Pratt, Kozol teaches Drawing and Painting Intensives, and Watercolor Intensives in the School of Continuing and Professional Development(SCPS) and Color Theory in the Center for Art, Design and Community Engagement K-12. Kozol taught PreCollege from 2008-2022 and Color Theory in the Interior Design Department from 2018-2022 at Pratt.

Absolute Beginner Watercolors Wednesday 10-12:30

Intermediate/Advanced Watercolors Wednesday 1-3:30

Intermediate/Advanced Oil Painting Tuesday 10-12:30, 1-3:30

Pratt Institute
Painting and Drawing Intensive at Pratt SCPS
This summer intensive takes place at Pratt Manhattan, 3 mornings a week for the month of July 2024.
For more information go to the link or email me.

Drawing and Painting Hybrid
Using a series of ongoing drawings and sketchbook entries, we will turn our diary-style entries into paintings. Focus on either the natural world, abstraction, or something in-between. Create a series of artworks based on our personal aesthetic experiences. This class will take place during fall 2024.